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About Scott Patterson
Scott has been an investigative reporter at The Wall Street Journal in New York City, Washington, DC, and London for more than two decades, focusing on climate tech.

Other Books
Scott’s 2010 New York Times bestseller The Quants was about the rise of mathematical traders and their near destruction of the financial system. His second book, Dark Pools, which exposed how high-frequency trading had rigged the stock market, was lauded by a pantheon of financial writers.
Dark Pools: The Rise of the Machine Traders and the Rigging of the U.S. Stock Market
A news-breaking account of the global stock market’s subterranean battles, Dark Pools portrays the rise of the “bots”—artificially intelligent systems that execute trades in milliseconds and use the cover of darkness to out-maneuver the humans who’ve created them.
The Quants: How a New Breed of Math Whizzes Conquered Wall Street and Nearly Destroyed It
With the immediacy of today’s NASDAQ close and the timeless power of a Greek tragedy, The Quants is at once a masterpiece of explanatory journalism, a gripping tale of ambition and hubris, and an ominous warning about Wall Street’s future.
In Chaos Kings, the indefatigable Scott Patterson has done it again: delivered a riveting account of Wall Street mavericks whose unconventional understanding of risk has netted them a fortune and us a fascinating account of how they did it. The unlikely partnership between Mark Spitznagel and Nassim Taleb has made them rich, saved their clients from financial calamity and, under Patterson’s deft pen, produced an epic page turner.
William D. Cohan, New York Times bestselling author of Power Failure, Money and Power, and House of Cards
News & Reviews
Publisher’s Weekly on Chaos Kings
Publisher’s Weekly says “Wall Street Journal reporter Patterson (Dark Pools) delivers an illuminating investigation into those who profit from anticipating crises.” Continue Reading
Starred Kirkus Review of Upcoming Chaos Kings
Kirkus says Chaos Kings is a “Complex economic and scientific theories lucidly rendered, even if the resulting picture is unremittingly gloomy.” Continue Reading
Continue Reading Starred Kirkus Review of Upcoming Chaos Kings