Chaos Kings: Chaos Kings: How Wall Street Traders Make Billions in the New Age of Crisis
Written by a veteran Wall Street Journal reporter, this is a fascinating deep dive into the world of billion-dollar traders and high-stakes crisis predictors who strive to turn extreme events into financial windfalls.
Learn More Chaos Kings: Chaos Kings: How Wall Street Traders Make Billions in the New Age of Crisis
Dark Pools: The Rise of the Machine Traders and the Rigging of the U.S. Stock Market
A news-breaking account of the global stock market’s subterranean battles, Dark Pools portrays the rise of the “bots”—artificially intelligent systems that execute trades in milliseconds and use the cover of darkness to out-maneuver the humans who’ve created them.
Learn More Dark Pools: The Rise of the Machine Traders and the Rigging of the U.S. Stock Market
The Quants: How a New Breed of Math Whizzes Conquered Wall Street and Nearly Destroyed It
With the immediacy of today’s NASDAQ close and the timeless power of a Greek tragedy, The Quants is at once a masterpiece of explanatory journalism, a gripping tale of ambition and hubris, and an ominous warning about Wall Street’s future.
Learn More The Quants: How a New Breed of Math Whizzes Conquered Wall Street and Nearly Destroyed It